The aims of the Wellington Runners & Walkers are to assist its members to set achievable challenges for themselves, get fit, meet new people, and have fun. We have 3 different walking groups and 3 running groups that cater for all levels of fitness, age, and speed. We meet every Sunday morning at the ASB Sports Centre in Kilbirnie at 8.00 and after a short introduction by the pack leaders go out on walks or runs for approximately 2 hours.
A general pack rule… if you can’t talk, chatter, natter, gossip, remonstrate, demonstrate, opinionate, tell a joke, hear a joke with others in the pack while perambulating… you are in the wrong pack.
Basically, we are in to LSD- Long, Slow, Distance running or walking. If you are new, and a bit concerned at two hours, the pack leaders arrange ‘drop off’ points for people to get back to the ASB Sports Centre.
Despite the implications of our name, not all members run marathons. Many are happy to keep coming along to just do a 10 – 15 km run or walk. Many of us, however, do aim for the Wellington marathon or half marathon in June/July.

And – if you are seized with the ridiculous thought ‘could I run or walk a marathon?’, and you cannot get it out of your head – the answer is ‘yes – you can – and we can help’ . And believe me, it is the most liberating and empowering feeling in the world. Few people can hold back the tears of emotion when they cross the finish line in their very first marathon – regardless of their time. (A word of warning – running marathons can be addictive – after the first one, you start thinking ‘I wonder if I could do better?’)
Smaller groups of members meet for mid-week runs, and social catch ups are welcomed!